There are many unique characteristics of a gifted child.
Working with these children can be a challenge but it can also be very rewarding as well. Parents and teachers alike will be challenged to motivate these children past their focused interests and into the rest of the world.
Gifted children question everything. Parents and teachers will be hard pressed to come up with all of the answers and frequently will have to answer a question with a question or send the child to research the question themselves. This will give the child research skills and help them to learn the answers to their myriad of questions. Reading
One of the most observed characteristics of a gifted child is that they master their reading skills at an earlier age than other children. While other children are in picture books, gifted children are sounding out the words. They frequently read one to three grade levels above their peers and will challenge their peers to join them.
Independent Thinkers
Thinking independently is a common trait among gifted children. They have their own opinions and ways of doing things and will try to turn others to their way of thinking. They are very motivated to complete a task, if it’s their way. They will challenge anyone and everyone who does it differently.
Sense of Justice
A strong sense of justice will be found in the characteristics of a gifted child. They will challenge authority, but they expect everyone else to obey authority. They love to debate the situation and try to sway others to their way of thinking. Current issues and past issues are both of great interest to them and they will try to change scenarios to manipulate the situation to how they believe it should be. Helping them to see all possible outcomes may be the easiest way to work with this sense of justice.
Problem Solvers
Unique approaches to problems give these students some time for creative thinking. What may seem obvious to them definitely isn’t obvious to the rest of the world. Once the solution is given, many will wonder, “Why didn’t I think of that”. Teachers and parents will find fun ways to work with students on creative thinking skills and solutions.
When considering the many varied characteristics of a gifted child, teachers and parents will find that they are not only challenged, but also rewarded when helping these students navigate through life.