Gay parents raising children face a number of educational issues in the traditional school system. There are millions of kids today with parents who are either gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender. There is also a trend towards more gay couples adopting children, and several states in the US have sanctioned LGBT adoptions through the passage […]
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Addressing Disruptive Student Behavior with Age Appropriate Solutions
Dealing with disruptive students is a huge problem for many teachers. Classroom management classes and theories do not prepare you for what happens when you are left all alone with a class full of thirty children or teenagers. The possibilities for disaster are endless and it is often frightening when you think about them. Dealing […]

Easy STEM Activities For Middle School Students
Finding STEM Activities for Middle School Middle school is a fascinating period in a student’s life. It is a time of transitioning into a more complex and difficult academic set-up that becomes more structured. It is essential to make this transition as smooth as possible to ensure the student’s ability is maximized. This is where […]

4 Real Reasons Why Teachers Leave the Profession
Teachers leaving the profession continues to be a serious problem in education. Even though the demand for teachers is higher than ever, there are teachers leaving the profession in staggering numbers. School boards and educational research organizations are trying to discover why this is happening. As a past teacher, I can give some first hand […]

International Baccalaureate Program Meets Montessori Education
Interested in the International Baccalaureate program? Fond memories of Montessori education? The two have joined to create the perfect high school. Talk about a power house. Only three schools in the U.S. Currently getting lots of attention. A new hot topic. Don’t concentrate on the negative. The International Baccalaureate program has a reputation. You either love […]

The Disturbing Trend of Cyber Bullying Teachers
While cyber bullying is a cause of concern for many students today, what many people don’t realize is that cyber bullying teachers is another disturbing trend that has been on the rise. This cyber bullying against teachers is being conducted by both pupils and their parents, and more than 1 in 7 teachers are reported […]

Recognizing the Needs of Gifted Students
A gifted child is a blessing to parents. When these children are sent to school, they are easily recognized and always stand out in the crowd.Teachers and fellow classmates treat them with appreciation.But a gifted kid at school or at home also faces a certain degree of problems. The Plus and Minus Traits of Gifted […]

Understanding Twice Exceptional Children
To parent twice exceptional children is often difficult and leaves many parents with more questions than answers. A twice exceptional child is a child that has a special need but also possesses an intellectual gift. The disabilities can range from Asperger Syndrome to OCD or obsessive-compulsive disorder and everything in between. These children have above […]

Robotics Education: Get Ready for School Competitions and Curriculum
Does robotics education sound a little futuristic to you? Actually, robotics education is taking the education world by storm. Today around 10% of schools in the United States have a robotics program. Students participate in a wide variety of robotics competitions. These competitions appeal to the competitive nature of students and incorporate physics, mathematics, programming, […]

The Expanding Role of Digital Literacy in the Traditional Classroom
What is traditional literacy? Even just ten to twenty years ago, that would have been an odd question. Traditional literacy meant the ability to read and write. But now, we have digital literacy – the ability to navigate online and use new technology and programs with ease. The difficulty is that overburdened teachers have the […]