The US education system provides students with the option of going to either a public or private school. Education is available to all students and it is funded and controlled primarily by all levels of government including local, state and federal. The local government dictates the curriculum, hiring of teachers, funding and other types of policies. These policies are set by those who are elected to the school board for the local area.
States also play a role in education by setting the standards for education as well as requiring that public school students take several standardized tests throughout their school career.
Private vs Public
Private schools differ from public schools in the US education system because they are not regulated as much by government agencies. These institutions can create and develop their own curriculum and policies. They also choose to be accredited through an agency, although this is not mandatory. In the United States, the majority of children attend public schools, a smaller percentage attend private schools and a small percentage are home schooled.
Age Requirements
All children between the ages of five and eight and sixteen to eighteen must attend an educational institution in the United States. The exact age requirements vary depending on the state the child resides in. The majority of schools in the US education system consist of three different levels or types:
• Elementary school
• Middle or Junior High school
• High school
All children are divided into groups based on grade level, although some classes are based on age. Kindergarten is the first or lowest level of education for young children new to the US education system, while the twelfth grade is considered the highest level of senior level of education in the secondary system.
After graduating from high school students have the option of attending a post-secondary institution such as a college or university. Graduate school is also an option after the student has completed undergraduate studies.
Origins of US Education System
There have been many milestones in the US education system. The first government supported schools were first developed right after the American Revolution. It was in the early 1890s that the National Educational Association decided that every student in the United States should receive 12 years of education. The first eight years are considered elementary education and the last four years are considered high school education.
The US education system is one of the most advanced educational systems in the world. The structure and policies that make up the system have helped students achieve their educational goals.
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