Many parents wonder whether their child should participate in after school activities for high school students. Some parents worry that their students will become overloaded. Some students are clearly involved in too many things and that cuts down their study time. If the student is involved in the right amount of after school activities for high school students, then it has a variety of benefits.
This article examines some benefits of activities and sports, including benefits to health, college admissions process and social skills.
Exercise is very important to physical health. During the teen years, this is especially true. Exercise promotes circulation and burns calories and can combat against teen obesity. It is important for teens to do physical exercise because they are growing so rapidly. It is common knowledge that the teen years can be very stressful for adolescents, and sports can help to relieve anxiety in a positive way.
College Admissions
College admissions counselors do not only consider SAT scores and grades. College admissions counselors are also looking to see if the student will be a successful member of their student body, which is comprised of many factors. They also consider whether the student was involved in the school and community. It is seen as very positive for students to have made a positive contribution to their school and community at large. Therefore, for purposes of succeeding and getting into college, some after school activities for high school students are very noteworthy.
Students should not take so many extracurricular activities that their grades suffer. As long as their grades can remain high, extracurricular activities are extremely beneficial for the college admissions process.
Social Skills
One of the greatest things about playing on a team or volunteering in a special group effort is that students learn to work as a group. Much of adult life and success in the work world involves being able to relate to others and function as a productive member of a group. These skills are taught in sports. Students also learn how to accept both defeat and victory graciously, which is an excellent lesson for life.
These are some of the reasons you may want your child to participate in after school activities for high school students. The benefits in health, increased chance of admission to college and improved social skills will be well worth it. Students should not overburden themselves with extracurricular activities, but approach this facet of their lives in a reasonable way and reap the rewards of a well rounded life.