At you’ll find a unique community of education experts, child-raising specialists, and parents communicating and sharing information about the characteristics of gifted children.
As you raise your child, sometimes it can be tough to decipher whether or not they are gifted and talented. As a parent you want to discover exactly what your child’s needs are, so you can appropriately educate, challenge, and support them throughout their formative years.
If your child has the characteristics of gifted children, that fact is going to change the way you educate and raise them. There are innumerable signs of a gifted and talented child. Here, we seek to help adults identify those characteristics, and give supportive advice as to how to proceed in their child’s education.
Founded by Dr. Patricia Fioriello, is a valuable and reliable resource for parents to find the characteristics of gifted children and how they can raise and educate their child. With over 25 years in K-12 education, Dr. Patricia Fiorello has decades of experience in the education field, and can help you answer questions on how to maximize your gifted and talented child’s potential. She seeks to foster a community where parents can freely communicate with experts to get answers to their queries.
To find out if your child may be gifted and talented visit our Characteristics of Gifted Children article that gives you 50 traits of a gifted child. From there you can learn more about the resources at your disposal to properly raise and educate your gifted child. Please feel free to contact us with any questions and follow us today.
Read our articles in the following areas:
Characteristics of Gifted Children
Teaching Gifted Children
Raising Gifted Children
Talented Children