An important aspect of school life is the need to keep in touch with your classmates after you graduate from high school. Alumni are an asset of every institution and often the graduates love to go …
When Should Toddlers Start School
There is no definite age for kindergarten, preschool and daycare. It all depends on the child’s temperament and individual needs. Both preschool and daycare have some similarities but they are not the …
The Resurgence of Community Colleges
In the modern educational system in United States, community colleges have a major role to play. The role played by community colleges are unique and vital in a way that they are offering the first, …
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5 Critical Components of a Good Running School Schedule
A good running schedule is one of the parameters of prime significance in the evaluation of the standard of a school. A good running schedule can ensure a proper all-round performance of a school, …
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How to Combat Teen Obesity
Obesity is a like an epidemic and it has spread across the world. Obesity in teens is a common thing to see and hear about. Most of the teens lead an undisciplined and rather reckless life. It is …
Recognizing the Needs of Gifted Students
A gifted child is a blessing to parents. When these children are sent to school, they are easily recognized and always stand out in the crowd.Teachers and fellow classmates treat them with …
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