If you work in a school, the scene is too familiar. The end of the school year is always a mad rush. No matter how much you prepare. Grades are due, seniors are leaving, the master schedule is a mess. Need I say more?
Face the facts. The end of the school year is around the corner. June will be here before you know it. Don’t wait. Complete the following tasks.
Decrease the madness. Address key areas today and enjoy a calm, smooth, (and happier) school closing.
#1. Finish evaluations. Develop new ways to gather feedback from your professional community.
It is critical to know and understand the strengths and weaknesses of your school. Set up structures to receive constructive feedback from teachers, parents, students, support personnel, and outside organizations. Be prepared to survey staff in May.
#2. Build the master schedule. Determine special programs and new courses for next year.
The master schedule must be finalized before the end of semester not the end of the summer. Follow steps and review presentations for time line and recommendations. Meet with key groups to elicit support for new programs.
#3. Revisit grading policy and process. Implement changes in time for final grading period.
Don’t let the technical stuff weigh you down. Hours spent on grading issues are hours taken away from instruction. Create transparent procedures and guidelines. When it comes to grades, life can get ugly.
#4. Listen to seniors. Make their last few months of school meaningful, engaging, and memorable.
Many seniors are bored and restless the last semester of school. Introduce them to the outside world before June. Place seniors in leadership roles in the school and community.
#5. Discover your niche. Spread the word. Reveal the secret. Your school is happening.
Why does everyone love your school? If you can’t answer this question, it is time to find your special niche. Recognize and nurture programs that showcase the uniqueness of your school. Determine a school wide focus and shout it to the world!
Passionate areas today: global learning, online reading comprehension, diverse language learners.
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