There are lots of different kinds of teachers, but most people who want to know how to become a teacher today are interested in beginning their career in elementary through high school. Even these kinds of schools might have different requirements, but it is usually safest to go by the guidelines for accredited public schools in the area. In some cases, private schools may not have the same requirements, but the requirements for public school in most states are very similar.
How To Become A Teacher Today: Education And Certification
Basic Teacher’s Education
Every state requires a bachelor’s degree. In some cases, the degree may need to focus on a particular area of education like history or math. In other states, a bachelor’s degree in any topic is the first step to becoming approved as a teacher. People who know they want to become a teacher before they begin college may choose to major in education. However, many people with other kinds of degrees can still fulfill the requirements to teach later.
Teacher’s Licensing And Certification
Beyond the basic education, teachers in public schools must be licensed or certified to teach in any public school and many private schools. This is a requirement by all states for public education. In most cases, the licensing program consists of getting classroom certification and completing special education classes.
Often, the classroom experience is gained through student teaching. However, some states have programs to help promote teacher’s assistants, aids, and other people employed in the school. In this case, work experience at the school can substitute for student teaching. This helps employees advance while they are earning a living.
If these employees don’t already have a bachelor’s degree with the right educational classes, they may be able to complete them online or on special classes that are held on the weekend or in the evening.
Most states also require a certification test. This test covers general knowledge about education. They may also expect graduates of a bachelor’s degree to have maintained a certain GPA, but that may also just be a requirement of different schools.
Special Paths To Teacher’s Certification
In some areas, this is a shortage of certain kinds of teachers. These states may make allowances for very qualified people to begin teaching and learning on the job. At the least, they will require a bachelor’s degree, but they may allow the teacher to earn his or her certification within a certain amount of time after beginning the job.
For example, a school may be willing to work with an engineer to become a math teacher if math teachers are in short supply. This can help the schools, and it can also help people who want to change careers at some point for a variety of reasons. For example, some women prefer to teach when they have young kids because they can maintain the same hours.
Why Become A Teacher?
Teaching is a very rewarding career. A good teacher can help students gain both skills and confidence. Many teachers continue on to get their master’s and even doctor’s degrees after they get awarded their certification.