When it comes to schools, there are several controversial topics in education that make it very difficult to find the right outlets where community can voice their concerns regarding issues.
The impact of controversial topics in education can be easily measured. Many schools are closing as a consequence of particular policies that are implemented in order to solve some of these topics. However, they are backfiring because the parents, students, and community in general are not voicing the issues that could potentially save the schools.
Negative Impact on K12 Community
Closing schools has many negative effects for the students, parents, and community. This is why it is such a significant problem when a school closes in particular areas. One of the central negative sides of closing schools is that professors are usually not transferred to other jobs. They have to start looking for a new job without the help of the previous school administration.
It is a fact that schools provide a service for the community that no other entity can offer. It provides kids with the tools they need in order to succeed. It improves these kids’ chances of achieving a high quality life. Closing schools hurt these children’s chances of achieving a successful future.
Poor Neighborhoods Suffer the Most
The worst part about closing schools is that usually happens in the communities that need them the most. Many poor neighborhoods are in danger of having their local schools closed because lawmakers cannot implement the policies needed to keep them working. This lack of laws hurt the school procedures and budgets, which ultimately leads to closing. This is why the topic of closing schools is extremely important across the country.
Communities are realizing that they need a good education system in order to help their kids to achieve their dreams of higher education. It is a fact that kids who have enrolled in a stable public school get more chances of getting into the college of their choice. It is also common knowledge that kids need stability during their early school years. Otherwise, there is a big risk that they will abandon their educational careers before they achieve a college degree.
Closing schools hurt parents, students, and the community in general. This is one of the many controversial topics in education because very few people realize the consequences of closing schools. Many times, the neighborhoods are unable to overcome the closing of a school. This hurts the community greatly.
Economy Suffers
Statistics reflect that the economy of a community stays the same or decreases after a local school has been closed. This is because schools provide the neighborhoods with outsiders that promote economy in a local level. Many professors get to know members of the community and hire their services. This is because educators become part of the community thanks to their service to the local school.
Overall, people suffer many consequences when the schools in their areas are closed. Kids are unable to achieve their dreams of success. Many times, they do not have the resources to attend another school far from their homes. And even if they do, they have to adapt to a new educational system that might not cover the educational plans they have followed in the past.
Among the many controversial topics in education, the closing of school is one that should be discussed at the top of priorities of local governments. This is a serious issue that affects so many people in the community besides students. It causes a slow growth in the community’s economy and hurt kid’s chances for a better future and a better quality life.
Young People Speak Out on the Impact of Closing Schools
When Schools Close