STEM, which stands for the education of “science”, “technology,” “engineering,” and of course, “mathematics,” is a program that hopes to make US educational programs more competitive when it comes to measures that produce the number of potential hard scientists and technicians in the future. When compared to many other developed nations, the US educational system has begun to lag behind. In fact, foreign students of these fields outnumber American students in US graduate schools.
Stem And Students With Giftedness
The thought is that children exhibit the quality of giftedness may particularly benefit from STEM programs. Even if children display special talents when it comes to math and science, they may not explore those topics in the future if no attempt is made to capture their interest. While all students should be exposed to the opportunity to study hard skills that can prepare them for future productivity, special attention might be paid to students who exhibit the quality of giftedness in these fields.
Of course, all gifted students will not be interested in exploring math and science as a career. Some will go into softer sciences, language, music, and the humanities. But the future of science is bound to catch the interest of many properly motivated and gift students.
How To Measure The Gifted
Here’s the thing about gifted kids. They don’t all develop at the same rate, and this means that all children should be included in STEM education. You’ve surely heard rumors that Albert Einstein had to struggle with school during certain parts of his education, and this may be because of the fact that gifted kids don’t always develop all parts of the mind on schedule.
In other cases, gifted children may not flower as young children because they must overcome adversity. They may come from low-income families or even disabilities, and it takes time for them to mature enough to cope, and eventually, to flower.
The Definition Of Gifted And Talented
Educators propose a distinct difference between the definition of giftedness and talent. These two terms get used together a lot, so it might be important to make a clear distinction.
Being gifted might mean that a child has natural abilities that would place that individual in the top 10 percent of other children of his own age. This is more like a description of aptitude. However, a high aptitude for a certain topic does not always indicate high achievement levels.
Talent, on the other hand, describes a more real-word application of an aptitude towards a mastery of a particular skills. This talent puts that person in the top 10 percent of performers.
Hopefully, this makes the difference clear. A child with an aptitude has a great potential to pick up a particular skill. However, a person with talent demonstrates mastery. It is often true that these two groups include some of the same person, but they are hardly all inclusive.
A lack of interest or tough circumstances may mean that a gifted child will never achieve a point where he/she demonstrates talent. On the other hand, hard work, dedication, and certain advantages may help another child demonstrate talent when their initial “gifts” were not assumed to be in the very highest range.
Compare this to a child who might develop into a musician. Every “talented” musician will admit that quite a bit of his or her mastery was the result of hard work and a good musical education. A child with musicians for parents, access to good instruments, and the desire to learn, may progress very quickly if he has a special gift or note. A very gifted child, in the wrong environment, may never have the chance to even realize his gifts.
Why Do Gifted And Talented Matter For STEM?
All students need exposure to STEM because it is impossible to measure their potential completely by any tests yet devised. These tests may do a good job of spotting a majority of kids who will end up choosing science or engineering as a future career, but they will never spot all of them. On the other hand, some children who may not have been selected as being in the top 5 to 10 percent at first may blossom in the field later.
The Importance Of STEM Education
Educators need to provide STEM education for every child, but those with a particular aptitude for math, science, technology, and engineering can certainly get encouraged to pursue those courses of studies. At the same time, all interested children should be encouraged to participate to the best of their ability.
Typically, STEM education should begin in the earliest grades. At that point, many of children will not have developed the maturity to demonstrate their future abilities. If our kids begin to pick up science and math because of special gifts or special dedication, we will all thrive.