Raising gifted kids is a priority and a dream for many parents. Of course, it is hard to define what is gifted and what is not. For instance, Einstein was a genius, but at school they considered him a dummy. So, what are the practical ways of raising a gifted child and how soon can you start?
Well, many scientists and advanced teachers believe that physical development of a child determines greatly his or her mental development and ability to learn. So, basically this means you can start right after the birth. You can start raising gifted kids by giving them enough activity and exercise in each stage of their development.
There are many practical things you can do even for a baby to stimulate physical development. You can massage and do simple exercises with the baby. Some believe it is best to swaddle a baby but others say you should not swaddle a newborn, if you want your baby to become strong and eager to learn. Swaddling does not allow your baby to learn moving its hands and legs and bereaves it of touching experience. Just imaging wearing thick gloves on your hands all the time. You miss out on a world of sensations.
When raising gifted kids, allow your toddlers to crawl and move around the house freely. Do not keep them in the crib or in the play pen. Make your home safe for a toddler and let him or her explore it. Do not guard your toddler of all the dangers, such as turning a cup of water over from the table. Let the kid get wet once or twice and learn a useful lesson.
Many say we cannot raise smart kids without letting them get their fingers burnt few times. When raising gifted kids avert and avoid danger, but allow a certain level of exploration at the very early age. This would keep your kids eager to learn and motivated for developing his or her gifts.