Being a parent it is our responsibility in making things better quickly. Teens face the problems of school generally among which all of them are not bad. For a teen’s self-esteem it is good to face the problems and solve it, but sometimes it is a parent’s job to guide the teen in the right possible directions. Feelings of being an outsider in school like to have someone to sit with at lunch or the need of someone to play with at recess or to find a friend to work with on the projects given at school can sometimes be devastating to the teen in a school.
The best thing a parent can do is to make the teen understand that it is up to the child to make friends first. The parents can also help the teen in making a list of things, which friendly people do the most such as having a cheerful attitude, smiling, joining in for games with enthusiasm, giving compliments to each other, losing gracefully and trying to speak or talk first.
Most of the teens are generally insecure; a new student feels that the older kids won’t like him whereas the older child thinks that the new kid is not talking because they don’t want to speak. So giving a coaching in how to begin a conversation can make a difference, either given by the parent or a teacher.
The parents can inspire the child with the thought that a smile on their face can help the teen go a long distance and will also help other teens feel at ease. Make sure that the teen participates and involves him in after school activities; which will not only help the teen makes friends with their classmates, but will also guide them in making friendships outside the classroom.
Sometimes a teen may also complain that his or her teacher hates them, which is not true. So the parents should listen and try to talk it out with the teen to check what makes her or him to think so. And in case the child is getting low grades or discipline is a problem it is strongly advised to the parents that they should go and speak to the teacher about it.
The parent should not blame the teacher for being unfair to the teen, but should ask the teacher to give explanations and what they think about the situation.