What your kids learn in their childhood forms the base for future learning. A parent needs to give this special thought.
What is kindergarten?
Kindergarten for children is fun along with learning. It should be hectic for neither the parent nor the child. If the parents know what should be taught to their children when they are in kindergarten it becomes easy for both of them. This also gives them an idea what to discuss with the teachers about their kids.
Kindergarten curriculum options
Every school provides a curriculum for the students to study according to the syllabus. Even when parent are opting for homeschooling they prefer to buy curriculum for their kids.
There are few things to be considered when trying to make your kid study. They are: don’t make yourself a slave to the curriculum. Try it out and if it works well and good, otherwise you should not continue with it. It is acceptable to try something else.
Kids cannot sit for long so plan their learning sessions in such a way that they don’t have to stay still for a long time. Try and make these learning sessions fun and exciting for them like use of blocks, play dough, paints and articles that interest kids. It will enhance the learning process. Kids also learn fast when taught in the manner they like.
Curriculum tips for the home
One can plan a simple curriculum at home as well. First consider what things a child should learn in their beginning years. Basic things are:
Math: here the child should be able to identify numbers and count them. In starting, up to ten is enough. A child should be given knowledge about shapes and colors, so that they identify them properly. They can be taught about clocks, calendar, and also comparison like taller, shorter, big, small, etc. A very good resource for that is HomeSchoolMath. It has various methods and eBooks to teach math.
Reading: they should be taught to read the alphabet, sing rhymes and be able to use important words necessary in daily life. They should be able to tell stories taught to them in their own words. A very good resource for that is Starfall. It offers an online phonics program.
Writing: in the starting year kids need to learn to write the alphabet in upper case as well as lower case. They are even taught to write simple words by seeing the pictures.
Citizenship: they are taught how to greet elders and friends, how to behave in public places and many more daily interactions with others.
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