Eclectic means combining elements from different sources, so when you add this definition to eclectic homeschooling it means a system wherein the eclectic homeschooler views different methods and approaches of homeschooling and inculcates the best of each to form its own defined philosophy.
Eclectic homeschooling is the best of all worlds. They take the best out of everything and form a great recipe of success.
An eclectic homeschooler can adapt from various sources like the unschooling or natural learning method. They take the point that every education should be child oriented. It is important to familiarize a kid with logic, to analyze information and discover answers. This, they take from the classical approach of schooling.
This eclectic homeschooling approach helps in developing moral character as family plays an important role in it. It helps the homeschooler to learn at their own pace especially for younger kids. Modern days are opting for homeschooling through computers. This is also a part of eclectic homeschooling.
Eclectic homeschoolers form a good foundation to start with as what they learn is the best out of everything, and if the foundation is strong it will lead to success in the future. Eclectic homeschoolers generally prefer to have functional education as it adds strength and inner beauty.
There are many advantages of eclectic homeschooling. One being the fact that children have their say in education. They have the right to say what they want to learn, how they want to learn and development. Through this homeschooling process the parents motivate their kids to strive for more success levels.
Through eclectic homeschooling parents can have control on what their child should study, they generally insist on math, language and artwork. They can even choose what period of history they want their kids to learn about. And then as the kid grows he himself can choose what interests him and what he wants to study.
Everything in this world has advantages and disadvantages, so does the eclectic homeschooling. The main drawback of eclectic homeschooling is routine, it doesn’t let the child study in a routine way. Generally they don’t follow any fixed curriculum that can lead to lesser amount of knowledge in some cases.
When it comes to resources for eclectic homeschoolers, we can say that this world is the main resource as everything from the world can be molded and included in eclectic homeschooling curriculum.
Before opting for eclectic homeschooling, one should consider both its pros and cons. One should remember that eclectic homeschooling is flexible, and it brings new challenges and opportunities each and every day.
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