Perfectionism in gifted children is a type of mindset that parents and teachers often deal with. These kids, being talented, strive for perfection in all they undertake. At first glance, such a character trait may seem to be very positive. But, if you take a deeper look at things, you would see how perfectionism in gifted children often hinders their development and blocks their way to success.
One of the biggest problems with perfectionism in gifted children is that they develop an all or nothing type of mentality. If they cannot get things done right the first time, they may not have enough perseverance to try again and again to accomplish their goal. Finally, they start to become afraid of trying and give up if they cannot get it done right on the first attempt.
This becomes a fear of making mistakes. Perfectionism in gifted children makes them loath to undertake anything they are not sure of accomplishing right or coping with perfectly. In our life, the success is the reward of those, who are brave enough to undertake new things and to be willing to reconcile themselves to some measure of failure. Yes, we all make mistakes. Those who are not afraid of making them, learn and move on. Those, who shun away from making mistakes get stuck in life.
So, it is very important to teach gifted children to take life for what it is and make the best of it. Never scold them for the mistakes they make. Teach them to view mistakes as the best learning experience. Perfectionism is good, when it holds a proper place in life but sometimes the best and most worthy things are not perfect.
Moreover, perfectionism is not always the best friend of family relationships. People with perfectionism expect too much of life, circumstances, others and themselves. Teach your child to abate the expectations and they will be able to succeed in life.
Recognizing the Needs of Gifted Students