If you have a gifted toddler with traits the likes of a quick ability to learn, advanced and insightful questions, a strong command of their language and overall communication skills, and intense focus, you’ll need to make sure he or she is receiving the best possible attention and care to make sure they can continue to flourish. As with any parent, you will naturally want what is best for them. In this article, we will investigate some of the ways you can provide a positive and encouraging environment in which your gifted toddler can thrive.
Fun Ways For Gifted Toddlers To Learn
At this stage in childhood development, the key word to consider is “exploration.” You’ll want to make sure your child can continue to learn, but in a fun and stimulating way that celebrates the wonder associated with enveloping ourselves in that which truly holds our interest. Do not become overzealous and push your gifted toddler – allow them to engage in subjects at their own pace. Your primary job is to simply make sure there is a myriad of exploratory learning potential all around them.
For starters, you can read books to your child every day (as long as they enjoy it) and gradually point out the words. Allow them to follow along to whatever extent possible as you slide your finger under each line of text. This can at least put the wheels in motion for them to become familiar with words and the alphabet. There are many educational toys that can help bolster their growing exploration of language, from classics such as fridge magnet alphabet letters to more modern fare like the LeapFrog Easy Reader Phonics kits.
In tow with the educational aspect of language, it will also help to always remember that your gifted toddler is a person, so communicate with them accordingly. Try not to speak down to them or address them in overly cutesy tones of voice. This isn’t to say that you should be all business when you communicate with your child however. Just make sure to always listen to them and converse with them naturally.
Other key areas of study such as math and science can be introduced at this age as well. You can start simply, by introducing the basics of numbers and how addition/subtraction effects them (i.e. games where you let them track how many slices of an apple they may have at a given moment during lunch-time) or pointing out fun facts pertaining to the likes of gravity. Start slow and as your gifted toddler learns and becomes curious about the more advanced aspects of these topics, you can continue from there.
Finally, you’ll want to encourage the creativity of your gifted toddler. Feel free to introduce them to art, music, or anything else that might catch their interest. Make sure there are plenty of age appropriate art materials available to them. Allowing them to express themselves creatively will only serve to strengthen their ability to communicate, focus, and establish self-confidence.
Take every chance to help your gifted toddler advance further, but do so at a comfortable pace that always remains interesting and fun for them. Make sure to remain engaged in what they are doing, and communicate with them respectfully and positively. With encouragement and understanding, your gifted toddler will be well on their way to having a wonderful and fulfilling life.