Many parents today feel isolated from the school community and some parents also feel that it is not possible to reconcile the demands of school.It’s going to be a long time before the commitment …
Challenges And Positives Of High School In America
It's not uncommon for people to disparage the current state of American high schools. In fact, the American education system kind of gets a bad rap all across the country. Not surprising when you …
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How the Educational System in America Compares to Other Countries
The educational system in America is something that most Americans are quite proud of. Every American child has the opportunity to get a free education via public schools that are funded by the state, …
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Issues in Education Today: The Best Way To Address Homework
The subject of homework is one of the most controversial issues in education today, particularly in K12 education. As a high school principal, I struggled with this issue for a long time. There is …
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Unraveling the Homework Myth
One of the most discussed issues at dinner tables across America is homework, and if you ask a student who does not like it, then they will call it “The Homework Myth.”The Homework Myth refers to …
Tips to Improve Teen Study Habits
“Go to your room and study!” This is a phrase many parents tell their teens on a nightly basis with hopes that they are going to march up to their rooms, crack open a book, and pour over the materials …