If you feel like college did not prepare you for teaching, then this article may give some helpful advice for new teachers. I taught for many years, and when I think back to that first year it makes …
Key Component to Promoting Diversity in Schools
Promoting diversity in schools brings a lot to the classroom - a bigger wealth of cultural knowledge, experiences, and perspectives - but it also brings with it some challenges for teachers and …
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Finding the Missing Piece in Education
Parent participation in school is often what's missing in education. The onus for quality education often falls on the teacher, but there are many factors that affect school performance. Seventy …
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Improving Student Performance through Professional Learning Communities
Professional Learning Communities in education - a hot topic but do they really work? Professional Learning Communities in education (PLC) are organized groups of teachers that have the goal of …
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3 Daily Reminders for First Year Principals
The job of a first year principal is one that very few people can understand until the first day of in-service when you realize that all the preparation in the world could not get you ready for the …
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Addressing Disruptive Student Behavior with Age Appropriate Solutions
Dealing with disruptive students is a huge problem for many teachers. Classroom management classes and theories do not prepare you for what happens when you are left all alone with a class full of …
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