US schools have struggled for decades to provide effective math instruction at all grade levels. Mastering mathematics is more important than ever today, and some modern programs are getting great results. The online Carnegie Learning program is one approach to math teaching that’s achieved truly impressive results.
How The Carnegie System Works
The Carnegie System is a proprietary learning course structured to greatly enhance mathematics education for students between grades six and twelve. Using extensive computerization and a full-spectrum approach to making it easier for students to grasp core concepts, Carnegie instruction has been shown to consistently produce better results than traditional forms of mathematics education. It includes specialized curricula, customized textbooks, and a robust suite of software resources to help children learn.
Software Components Of The Carnegie System
Carnegie offers two main software packages that students interact with: MATHia and Cognitive Tutor. MATHia covers grade six to eight, while Cognitive Tutor is designed for high school level math (grades nine through twelve). Both programs provide similar benefits. Besides featuring comprehensive instruction, useful exercises, and real-world examples, Carnegie programs are extremely flexible. The progression of course material is adjusted based on the needs of individual students, ensuring that every student masters the material that’s presented and learns at his or her own pace. Complete Spanish language support throughout all Carnegie products ensures their suitability for bilingual students.
By Making Tools Available Online Carnegie Learning Accelerates Progress
Both MATHia and Cognitive Tutor take full advantage of the modern principles of cloud-based computing. Students (as well as teachers) can access all features of the programs at any time, from any computer with an Internet connection. This is another powerful feature that allows Carnegie instruction to fit better into the learning schedules of individual students. Teacher interaction in the online components of Carnegie education is strongly encouraged, as teachers are able to fully customized the direction of Carnegie courses in order to suit their own lesson plans.
Improving Teachers’ Skills As Well As Students
Classroom teachers are an integral part of the Carnegie system, even the online Carnegie Learning components. The company encourages all participating teachers to master both the software and curricula used for Carnegie instruction, and they often provide intensive training (both online and in person) to make it as easy as possible for teachers to use the tools they provide. Teachers appreciate the support they get and are in the best possible position to appreciate the dramatic improvements that can be made by switching to Carnegie methods for math instruction. Most teachers in Carnegie classrooms report a dramatic improvement in both the speed and depth of their students’ progress.
Encouraging Schools To Adopt Carnegie Methods
Parents who have heard about the benefits of Carnegie Learning programs are often strong advocates for their wider adoption in more schools. This advocacy can be a critical factor in encouraging individual schools to start using the system. The modest budgetary requirements of switching to the Carnegie Learning program are not onerous, and the program’s stellar track record can easily justify the increased cost to municipal authorities or school boards. With ample support provided for both educators and parents, the company aims to involve the entire community in the Carnegie process. With full participation, the benefits of this style of instruction can only get even more impressive.
For students, educators, and parents, the Carnegie Learning program is finally taking some of the mystery out of mathematics instruction. The company providing these resources has hit on a highly effective strategy for imparting the necessary information and skills to students, and the students retain and use these skills very well. This is exactly what math teaching needs today: An effective educational strategy that delivers great long-lasting results.