When studying in high school, obtaining good grades used to be a student’s sole aim. The reasons vary – to impress the new girl sitting next to you, escape your parents scolding’s, or to keep up the role of being the “teacher’s pet”! But the aim was always the same – to get good grades.
At the same time, there were a few students who would be more interested in playing basketball rather than studying and getting good grades. Grades were never really a big concern for them. The mentality for many students still remains the same.
Money for good grades.
Parents try to change the mentality of such high school students through many ways. According to one research conducted in New York, some parents even pay their kids to get good marks in school. Surprisingly there was a 40% boost in the grades of the students. Though parents feel it’s not a healthy way, but still they give in to the idea since it works. Teachers report that it’s a type of ego booster when it comes to measuring self worthiness. Critics banish the whole idea stating that it is nothing more than a bribe to the students and an unhealthy way of promoting education.
Many types of rewards for good grades.
Good grades are always rewarding. At school, your teachers are happy and you always remain on their good side. You are quite popular at school because of good grades. If you are good at your co curricular activities also, then you are considered a well rounded student and named top student of the class or school.
At the end of the academic year, students are awarded trophies for good grades. At home, your parents are always happy. If you are compared to other kids, then you are shown in good light. You get presents from your grandparents for the A+ in Science exam. Apart from the gifts from your family members, local pizza restaurants often give away free meals for kids who have top grades in their report cards.
If you get good grades in high school, you are awarded scholarships. Your chances of getting into top colleges increase. In college, if the habit of getting good grades continues, then you have a better chance of getting a desired job. It will result in a life with many advantages.