Finding a good teacher is a difficult task in the U.S.
There are many teachers who have good and desirable degrees, but to select one of them among the rest is a hard task.
If you are looking for a good teacher you should know a few points in making a selection.
These days the selection criteria has changed a bit.
- The teacher should make the significance of the subject clear. It not just a matter of coming and teaching in the classroom. Today teachers must win over the heart of each and every student. They cannot just say that school is important. They need to go beyond that to influence them. In short they need to be a good salesperson.
- The teacher should not only be involved in the school atmosphere, they should get to know the student’s family and the beyond school experience. A bridge has to be built between the student and the teacher, so that information, thoughts and dreams can move around freely.
- Teacher should have a wide knowledge about the subject they are teaching. They should work on building the potential of the student rather than pointing out their weaknesses.
- The teacher should involve the students while teaching and make them learning partners. They should consider the feedback of students before ending the class. Ask the class what they expect and want to get out of the course. If they have any suggestions the teacher should try to apply it if possible. This will grab the attention of the students.
- Teachers should practice good teaching styles like using day to day examples, involving students physically and many more. A good teacher makes sure that the student is being given proper care so that they like to be in school. They should easily know how to collaborate with other adults like parents and the principal in the school.
In Search of Good Teachers originally written in 2007 and again on July 31, 2009 in the New York Times. Sam Dillon noted the shortage of teachers is so severe that officials are just filling in the positions by anyone they could find. A good salary and incentives are important for teachers in demanding areas. The country should take proper measures to get highly qualified teachers especially for the subject science and mathematics.
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