The IBO Org, also known as the International Baccalaureate program is a well established program that has been implemented around the world because of its effectiveness and overall quality. Having a quality, established education program is the desire of all nations. It requires high attention to detail, an organized set-up, and qualified educators.
Let’s take a glance at what the IBO Org has to offer and why certain places are still resistant to incorporate it into their own education system.
Overview of IBO Org and Programs
The IBO Org encompasses four programmes that are divided to reach various age groups. Let’s take a look at what these four programmes are all about.
The first program is the “IB Primary Years Programme” and is for students from the ages of 3 to 12. This aims to incorporate and mould a child’s eagerness to learn around the program and curriculum. The child’s development is essential with this program and the entire curriculum is composed with this in mind. With the ” IB Primary Years Programme”, a child’s learning has to occur inside and outside the classroom to reap maximum benefits.
The second program of the four is the “IB Middle Years Programme” and this is for students aged 11 to 16. With this program, it is time to take the next step with the student’s education and build an academic framework over what has been learnt thus far. Connections have to be made between what has been learned in the classroom and what the real world encompasses. After going through this program, IBO Org is able to develop critical thinking and organization for the student to maximize and incorporate into their adult years.
The third program is the “IB Diploma Programme” and this is for students aged 16 to 19. This is the final step before going to university/college for students that want to specialize in a specific field of their choice. The program is designed to be challenging and encompass an array of subjects and entices the student to think out of the box and develop their core skills. With challenging, well organized examinations to culminate each year in the program, students are able to progress towards their goals with greater precision.
The final program in the set of four is the “IB Career-related Certificate (IBCC)” and is designed to emphasize the importance of specialization and how to maximize a student’s potential in their chosen field. This is for students aged 16 to 19 and is further progress towards their dreams and desires. This is unique to the other programs because it is designed to provide specific, precise career oriented training that will help in all facets of life in and beyond university.
Benefits of IBO Org
Let’s take a look at the benefits associated with the IBO Org as a whole.
One of the major benefits revolves around incorporating education into a curriculum that is based on how the real world works. Education should not be taught in a manner that is separated from the world students live in. It should help enhance a student’s understanding of the real world and become a catalyst for critical thinking.
There is increased flexibility in how the curriculum is shaped to meet the needs and wants of the student. This is essential as each student requires a separate plan in place to maximize their potential.
With an international standard of teaching, students are able to have a more wide-ranging program in place teaching them the intricacies of what is necessary. It is about teaching students about more than just local interests.
Click here to read about additional benefits of IBO Org.
Challenges of IBO Org
What are some of the challenges with the IBO Org that have been brought up in the past? There are many critics of the program and this has to be kept in mind to understand the system from all angles.
One of the biggest challenge has to do with a separation between local schooling interests and this program. It can lead to a divide between two parties and this leaves the students in a pickle that could be avoided. Instead of having a standardized system in place, the students end up being divided right down the middle. This is a challenge that is slowly being tackled, but is still work in progress as certain nations remain reluctant to fully buy in.
Resistance By Some Nations
Some nations are refusing to buy into the IBO org and feel it does not meet their own needs or wants. One of these nations has been the USA, who are not willing to allow IB programs into their school system. While, the USA is home to these programs to a certain extent, it has not become fully spread as it should be.
This has to do with a trust in their own school system and the curriculum that is in place. Local interests have more interest for the federal government instead of having an international program in place.
Read about additional pros and cons of IBO Org.
IBO Org Success Stories
The program has been successful in a range of nations around the world and continues to spread as time passes by. Some nations that have IBO programs in place with local schools include but are not limited to Canada, UK, USA, Australia, India, and Mexico. These are the top nations when it comes to how many IB world schools are present in their system.
This program will continue to develop and be honed to meet the modern needs of students and allow for their potential to be maximized. This is a program that has been implemented with great success and continues to give birth to many success stories from students who have been through the system around the world.
It is the complete IBO Org that takes all angles into consideration before putting together a curriculum that is going to provide the type of education a student requires during their formative years. The International Baccalaureate program is revered around the world for its organization, attention to detail, and overall quality and is a broad education set up made to meet all educational needs.