Knowing when and how much to push is the difference between success and failure. Cycling in San Francisco is a joy and challenge. The hills are the challenge. The joy - the many shops along the …
Fun Educational Games For Middle School
Fun educational games for middle school can be not only fun, but useful, too. PC games make learning easier. They turn studies into entertainment, but they still make good use of the time spent, as …
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Easy STEM Activities For Middle School Students
Finding STEM Activities for Middle SchoolMiddle school is a fascinating period in a student's life. It is a time of transitioning into a more complex and difficult academic set-up that becomes more …
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Keeping Students Motivated in School
Keeping students motivated in school is an ongoing issue in education. Two-thirds of high school students say they’re bored in class every day. We all have days when we zone out or would rather be …
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Improving Student Performance through Professional Learning Communities
Professional Learning Communities in education - a hot topic but do they really work? Professional Learning Communities in education (PLC) are organized groups of teachers that have the goal of …
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Helping Boys Succeed in School
Helping boys succeed in school is as simple as getting them to stop thinking that school is a waste of time and that liking books or reading is for sissies. I guess the problem is not as easy to …