In all spheres of education, quite a lot is going on between the teachers and students. However, what every teacher will confirm to you is that teaching gifted and talented learners can be very dramatic and interesting indeed. The reason for this is obvious as gifted and talented learners make very special students any time. This is definitely related to their innate gifts and talents.
After years of observation and research, it has been discovered that there are certain traits that separate gifted and talented learners from other students. For example, such children comprehend and assimilate whatever they have been taught at an astonishing rate especially when compared with their peers. In addition, they also seem to reason ‘outside the box’ and keep churning very innovative ideas to complicated problems.
Also, many gifted and talented learners have been observed to possess unlimited mental energy and an amazing level of curiosity and inquisitiveness, particularly those that are suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Therefore, some people see them as restless, mischievous and plainly irritating or annoying. As a result, if you have one of these gifted and talented learners as a friend, you really have to be understanding.
In the same vein, one important point that must be noted is that such children have to be properly tutored in order to bring out the very best in them and ensure that their gifts are utilized to the optimum. This must be stressed, as majority of the schools available have little consideration for this special class of students. For some parents, this means homeschooling their children.
However, it must also be pointed out that homeschooling such a child will come at a cost, especially for the parents but the most important thing is to ensure that the flaming embers of such gifts do not fizzle out whatever the circumstances.